Monday, 24 December 2012

Measuring Ring Size

Accurately measuring your finger for its ring size is pretty simple. 
To determine the size of the ring, it can be measured in a way like this:

  1. Prepare a piece of string or a small piece of paper.
  2. Wrap the yarn or the little paper wrapped around your finger.
  3. Mark the point where the two ends meet.
  4. Make sure that the thread / paper are not saggy.
  5. Measure the string or paper with a ruler to get the size of the ring finger. It will get the size of the circumference of your finger.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Smart Kids Sleep

Want your child to excel in school? 

They make it a habit to always sleep on time every night. Recent research results of the experts in the United States shows, regular sleep patterns make children more intelligent.

Baby Teeth

Infants 0-6 months of age generally do not have milk teeth. However, cleaning the tongue and the gum has to be done immediately after feeding and before bed at night. Here are the steps:

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Tips to have long healthy hair

Hair is very important and more attractive to all girls. Healthy hair doubles your beauty. Everyone loves to have healthy and dark long hair. But now a days, due to pollution, climate and food culture all are facing the same problem like hair fall, white hairs and dandruff. We can maintain our hair by natural ways. There are plenty of healthy natural things, which protect our hair from sickness. Here are some diet tips to grow up hair. 

Friday, 7 December 2012

Baby shoe Guide

One of the things that first-time parents should take note of is the size of their baby’s feet. Together

 with the other things that may occur along the way in taking care of a child in the baby’s early stages of development, the size of the baby’s feet may change from one day to the next that is why it may be quite difficult to gauge which baby shoe sizes to get.

As such, feet sizes may change from time to time before they become three (3) years of age. That’s a fact that usually drives most first-time parents up the wall. That is why basic guidelines in shopping for the appropriate baby shoe sizes are important.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Eyes...Apply eyeliner

In order to have healthy eyes you need to understand  Gel Eyeliner is an ideal choice for special occasions, parties, or night outs on the town.

Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

Frizzy HairAlthough frizzy hairs that are genetic in nature cannot be treated permanently as the genetic characteristics of a person are not amendable. There are several home remedies can help to make your frizzy hair manageable and moisturized.

homemade chicken mayo buns

Photo: Chicken & Mayo Buns/Burgers


2 1/2 cups cooked/boiled chicken, sliced thinly
1 1/2 cup  Creamy mayonnaise
1 tbsp finely chopped onions
freshly ground black pepper
salt to taste
tomato sauce as u need
iceberg lettuce leaves
your favourite bread/buns (fresh or toasted)


1. In a bowl mix thoroughly together chicken, mayonnaise, pepper,  salt, and onions.
2. Place lettuce on top of bread, place chicken mixture on top then squeeze some tomato sauce and serve.
Enjoy the easy peasy burgers... :)
Chicken & Mayo 
  1. freshly ground black pepper
  2. salt to taste
  3. tomato sauce as u need
  4. 1 tbsp finely chopped onions
  5. 2 1/2 cups cooked/boiled chicken, sliced thinly
  6. 1 1/2 cup Creamy mayonnaise
  7. iceberg lettuce leaves
  8.  your favourite bread/buns (fresh or toasted)

Friday, 30 November 2012

Beauty tips

Dip cotton balls in a chilled mixture of cucumber and potato juice. Keep this on your eyelids for 15 to 20 minutes and gently wash it off. Apply a little baby oil.

For long eyelashes, apply a thin coat of castor oil every night. It strengthens lashes and cools your eyes.

Massage a few s of coconut oil around the eyes to get rid off dark circles.

To reduce puffiness of your eyes, grate a potato; tie in a cloth and place the cloth over your eyes for about 15 minutes.

Add a small pinch of salt in water and wash for bright and sparkling eyes.

Mix tomato juice and lemon juice in equal quantity and apply around the eyes. After 30 minutes wash it off with cold and hot water alternatively.

Make a paste of sandal wood and nutmeg. Apply the paste around the eyes before sleeping and wash it off in the morning.

Crush a cucumber and take the juice. Add a little rose water and apply around the eyes and wash it after 30 minutes.

Place cotton balls dipped in cold milk on closed eyes for removing dark circles.


About drinking water............

Guidelines For your child learns to love good food.

Nutrition can be an anxious subject for some parents. You may worry about whether your child is eating enough good food. Or you may wonder whether they are overeating or becoming unhealthy. The following guidelines and tools may help ease your anxiety.


Children go through growth and activity sports so sometimes they are really hungry and sometimes they eat like a bird. As long as you offer nutritious food, you can trust your child's appetite to get the balance right. Forcing children to eat (even strong encouragement to eat more) can often backfire. It helps to remember that sweets, chips and biscuits can interfere with their natural appetite for nutritious food. Let his appetite be the guide

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Baby foot

I received this by email via my friend. So I want to share this .....


Massage is good for the baby. Easily made, not like adult massage. This sequence to give me more love and more touch the baby. I own the abstinence diligent baby massage. But sometimes can not do well. 

Benefits of infant massage
1. Helps baby's physical growth 
2. Strengthens the body's resistance 
3. Build self-confidence 

4. Helping babies feel relaxed and comfortable 
5. Strengthen the bond of affection between mother and baby

Monday, 26 November 2012

Contact Lens

Contact Lenses used inside out can harm your eye. 

And give your eyes a break every now and then as contacts tend to absorb the little moisture that have left on our eyes!

Make  sure they don't have any cuts and keep them clean to avoid infection!!

Improve Eyesight And Make It Healthy

Eye is the one of Vital organ of body that colors you life, following Eye Exercises can improve your eyesight.
  1. Blink your eyes as fast as you can for some time.
  2. Close the eyes tightly for some time and then open. Do this for 5 times.
  3. Roll your eyes in clockwise as well as anticlockwise direction for 5 times.
  4. While walking on the road or when you are in an open space, look as far as possible.
  5. Look at an advertisement or some written material from a far place and try to read it by focusing your eyes.


Thursday, 22 November 2012

Tips For Kids

Speaking Quick Tips For Kids

1. You should always communicate and interact with the children of their age when they were infants or not yet talk.

2. Use short sentences and simple. When you want to explain something to your child, make sure there is space (pause) between one verse to the other so you have the opportunity to obtain their child or response

3. Mimic your face while speaking is very important. It must be appropriate when delivering a meaning of the word or sentence

4. Always read books to children and spend time telling children

5. Expose your child to social interaction because in this way you give them the opportunity to hear a conversation in addition to meet people new people.

6. You must be a good listener and try to pay attention and try to understand what is conveyed by your children. If what he said is not clear, you must help him by saying a few words that you feel may be mentioned that a try for your children.

7. Always sing with their kids or talk to him.

8. As long as the child can use a few words, using sign language to communicate, and understand simple instructions, then it can be said they are normal language development.Expand chat with their children, reading storybooks to them, ask them, and try to get them talking.

Health Benefits of Okra

Okra, is also  called bean a slim  vegetable  commonly available in the market. Other delicious recipes to eat okra is fried, also very tasty mixed into fish curry.  However, not many are aware of the nutritional value. Actually okra seeds can be used as an alternative to coffee. Good for those who want to avoid caffeine in coffee. The leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. Okra is also good for brain function. It can increase the memory and brain fitness. 
Okra use:
Take seeds, roots and flowers and Boiled. The broth can be a drug taken orally as follows: 

  • Urination
  • Can relieve swelling and inflammation
  • Alleviate the difficult labor (made slide)
  • Cure gonorrhea
  • Cure syphilis
  • When mixed with sugar, syrup can be used as a cough and sore throat remedy.
  • To cure boils and sores, can use the cooking water to sweep at the appropriate place
Besides being low in calories it is aplenty with vitamins of the category A, Thiamin, B6, C, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and dietary fiber. Eating okra is much recommended for pregnant woman besides other for it is rich in folic acid which is essential in the neural tube formation of the fetus during 4-12 weeks of gestation period in the mother's womb.

  • The mucilage and fiber found in okra helps adjust blood sugar by regulating its absorption in the small intestine.
  • The fiber of okra has many superior qualities in maintaining the health of the gastro-intestinal tract.
  • It helps reabsorb water and traps excess cholesterol, metabolic toxins and surplus bile in its mucilage and slips it out through the stool. Due to greater percentage of water in the bulk it thereby prevents constipation, gas and bloating in the abdomen.
  • It is an ideal vegetable for weight loss and is storehouse of health benefits provided it is cooked over low flame to retain its properties. This also to ensure that the invaluable mucilage contained in it is not lost to high heat.
  • Okra facilitates the propagation of good bacteria referred to as probiotics. These are similar to the ones proliferate by the yoghurt in the small intestine and helps biosynthesis of Vitamin B complex.
  • For adding bounce your hair. Boil horizontally sliced okra till the brew become maximally slimy. Cool it and add a few droops of lemon and use this as the last rinse and see your hair spring back to youthfulness and jump.
  • Okra is an excellent laxative treats irritable bowels, heals ulcers and sooths the gastrointestinal track.
  • Protein and oil contained in the seeds of okra serves as the source of first-rate vegetable protein. It is enriched with amino acids on the likes of tryptophan, cystine and other sulfur amino acids.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

About burn a CD

If you want to burn a CD, the first thing you have to do is to ensure two things: first is that you should have a computer with a CD or DVD drive which has this capability or an external drive that can do the same. Second, you also have to make sure that you have a CD to burn. You can choose from any of these two types of CDs:

CD-R or Compact Disc-Recordable. Anything that you put into a CD-R cannot be subsequently erased that is why it is called a Write Once Read Many (WORM) optical medium. As such, this is best for burning data that you want to store permanently like music or pictures.

CD-RW or Compact Disc Re-writable. As named, this disc type runs on a rewritable optical disc format. Data burned on a CD-RW can be erased and new data can be burned on it again. This is best for storage of data to be kept temporarily.

Once you've already decided between a CD-R or CD-RW, you should then start putting together the data you want to burn on the CD. Options would include the following:
     • Music. This is usually burned for use in a CD player at home or in a car.

• Data. This is burned to keep needed files that are intended to be run on a computer. This type cannot run on a home or car CD player because it uses the ISO9660 formatting which is not compatible with a regular CD player.

• MP3. This is also a data CD but contains mp3 compressed music files instead. As it is also ISO9660-formatted, it is not compatible with all CD players. Unlike a music CD, MP3 CDs can contain more songs since they are compressed and only a computer or a compatible CD player can play it.

• Disk image. This refers to a duplicate of a disk which is commonly an .ISO image. If you want to keep an exact copy of a disc, this is the right option. A usable CD can be created by burning a CD from an .ISO image through the use of a computer.

• Ripping. This process refers to the taking off of an audio in a CD and then storing it on a separate CD or on a computer so that a copy of the first CD is burned.

After you've identified what to burn on the CD, you can now select which particular program you want to use. There are programs which are built in the operating system of a computer. There are others which come as a separate program. While some programs are just simple, there are those which can be very complex. You can avail of one these programs for free or you could opt to purchase one.

The final step is actually burning your CD which is really a simple task. You just need to run the software, insert the CD on your CD burner and then tell the program to start burning the CD.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Health Benefits of Green Tea

The health benefits of green tea make it a good beverage for treating cancer, heart problems, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, tooth decay, etc. Green tea contains an antioxidant epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG) which is helpful in treating a variety of diseases.

What is Green Tea: Green tea comes from the same plant from which normal tea is obtained. Scientifically, it is known as Camellia Sinensis. In fact, it is the same tea but processed differently. The normal black tea is obtained by fermenting the tea leaves. This fermentation changes its colour, flavour and raises the level of caffeine and tannin in it. Whereas, in case of Green Tea, the tea leaves are dried or slightly steamed but not fermented. This makes it look green when brewed and otherwise.

Health Benefits: The health benefits from Green Tea are primarily due to its anti oxidizing properties which come from its Caffeine, Catechin Polyphenols and Theonine. These health benefits can be listed as under;
  • Anti Ageing: The free radicals created in body are responsible for corroding the body, i.e. for ageing and the related symptoms. The main job of anti oxidants is to neutralize the oxidants or free radicals present in the body and green tea is very rich in anti oxidants. The Catechin Polyphenols present in green tea are mainly responsible for the anti oxidizing effects, the most powerful among them being the Epigallocatechin Gallate. Thus, regular consumption of green tea can effectively delay symptoms of ageing.
  • Stimulating: The main reason behind acceptance of any kind of tea, be it green, black or Wwwhe, by human civilizations and its popularity, is its stimulating effect. This effect, again, is due to the Caffeine and Tannins present in it. Caffeine & Tannins, despite their adverse effects on health in the long run, are very good as stimulants. That is why; a cup of tea makes you feel fresh and highly energized. Tea is ideal to counter fatigue, laziness, sleepiness and lack of energy and to improve blood circulation. No doubt it is so popular with any kind of professionals, housewives and students.
  • Immunity Boosting: Researches show that people who regularly drink green tea do not fall prey to common bacterial and viral infections easily, and even if they do, it is far less frequently than those not consuming it. The message is clear. Green Tea boosts immunity. The Catechins present in green tea prevent bacterial and virus from attaching themselves to cell walls and thus infecting them. These Catechins also counter the toxins released by microbes. This anti microbial property also protects from bad breathe, dysentery, diarrhoea, tooth decay, indigestion, flu, cough & cold, colitis etc. which are caused by microbial & fungal action.
  • Astringency: This is yet another benefit from green tea. It triggers contraction in muscles and tissues and tones up muscles and skin. Even if you do not wish to drink green tea, a mere mouthwash with this daily will cause sufficient contraction in gums to keep them firm and tight on teeth and thus prevent loosening and falling of teeth for long. Wash your hair with it and see them grow stronger each day.
  • Anti Carcinogenic: Apart from ageing, free radicals are also responsible for causing certain types ofcancer. The Catechins present in green tea neutralize these free radicals, prevent formation of carcinogens like nitrosamines and reduce the chances of cancer. Green tea is now being clinically used in prevention of cancer, particularly those pertaining to colon, rectum, pancreas and intestines.
  • Reducing Cholesterol: Green tea has been seen effective in reducing cholesterol level to some extent, probably due to its alkaline nature.
  • Cardiac & Arterial Health: Certain components in green tea prevents thickening of blood, thereby reducing chances of Arterial Sclerosis, Thrombosis, Cardiac and Cerebral Strokes etc.
  • Anti Diabetic: If not taken with sugar, the alkaline nature of green tea helps reduce the blood glucose level. Moreover, the anti oxidizing and astringent nature of its constituents ensure good health and better functioning of pancreas and thereby better secretion of insulin and resultant better decomposing and absorption of sugar. This helps keep diabetes away.
  • Weight Loss: You believe it or not, but green tea also helps lose weight by enhancing rate of metabolism and thereby faster consumption of fat storage of the body. Recently green tea has replaced other beverages in the webstern world as its helps in weight loss. Drink a cup full of green tea in the morning and you are sure to lose a few pounds of excess weight.
  • Stamina & Endurance Booster: You can prove this yourself. Just have a cup of hot green tea after rigorousexercise and within no time you will be ready for a few more sets. Further, it effectively counters muscular pain due to over exercise of muscles. Haven’t seen any athlete taking this? You must visit Japan & China then, where it is a popular drink among practitioners of Martial Arts.
  • De intoxicating: Green tea is the best cure to get rid of hangovers and fatigue caused by consumption of alcoholic beverages and lack of sleep due to late night parties. A big glass of green tea with lemon, and lo, feels as if there was no hangover at all. Green tea with Lemon juice is a very good and popular remedy to cut effect of alcohols effect instantly.

Types of Green Tea: Green tea has four main varieties, prepared in Japan, which depend upon its leaf-length, method of processing, season of harvesting etc. They are as follows;

  • Gyokurocha: In this case, the tea leaves are plucked from the tip of the branches. When brewed, the colour is clear green. Being picked from the tip, this variety has the best taste and fragrance. This is also considered best in terms of health and is less bitter, as it contains less tannin and caffeine, the leaves being younger and budding. The only drawback it has is that it is very costly. But then, there is price you need to pay for every good thing.
  • Sencha: Sencha Comes from the same plant, but this time, the leaves are from  iddle of the branch and are bigger, older and less tender than Gyokurocha and gives   clear, light green tea on brewing. Naturally, it is bitter and stronger than the former variety. Being of less noble origin (middle of the branch) and having more caffeine and tannin, it is cheaper and more popular than Gyokurocha.
  • Bancha golden brown tea

 Bancha: Bancha is made from the tender twigs of the tea plant and but obvious, it is very strong and bitter. When brewed, it gives a golden brown tea. This is further cheaper
    • Matcha: It is the leftover powder of green tea, also called “Dust”. It makes a  eautifully green coloured tea and forms a lot of foam (froth) as well, but has a lesser aroma than the leafy varieties. This variety of Green Tea is very popular in the Ceremonies, sometimes also called Ceremonial Green Tea. It is far less bitter than its formers and hence when you sip it, it feels as if it is sweeter than them.
      Houjicha: Also spelled as “Hojicha”, it is not a pure or absolute green tea. Rather, it is mixture of green tea and powdered roasted cereals such as wheat, barley, rice etc. The quality and price of this variety depends upon the percentage or ratio of green tea to cereals. The better ones, having more tea in them, are costlier and give greener tea; while those, having more grains, yield a golden brown colour and are cheaper.
    • Genmaicha: Like Houjicha, it is not a pure tea either. It is mixture of green tea and roasted brown rice. On steeping, it yields a golden yellow tea, very nice in taste and aroma, due to presence of roasted brown rice in them.

Swaddle a baby

How to swaddle a baby!

It really reminds me of a straight-jacket, lol! 

Swaddling a baby really helps them calm down and relax and also sleep longer. It reminds them of the security and cosines of the womb. Swaddling in itself won't calm a bawling baby, but it will help them be aware of other techniques you'll use to calm them like rocking and suckling which will work.

Alphabet Taught to Kids Nowadays

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Eco-friendly Products for Interior Designing

Over the past couple of decades, home decor has become a rage as it`s associated with self-expression. No doubt, the look of a home represents the personality and lifestyle of its owner, hence people are becoming more concerned about the decorations of their homes. And with the whole concept of going green, people are using eco-friendly products to embellish their home interiors as well. Because `reduce, reuse and recycle` has become a household notion, eco-friendly interior designing has emerged as a fad.
From ace furniture that livens up a room to paintings and other arts that grace the walls, every room is decorated with a unique look. On that account, many manufacturers are constantly introducing an array of interior styling products that suit the flavors of different kinds of people. Going green with interior styling is a booming business; hence homeowners will never run out of options to adorn their homes with eco-friendly products. 

Go green with multiple colors  

The major problem regarding house paints is the VOC level (Volatile Organic Compounds), extensively found in paints, coatings and adhesives, which contains some toxic substances which emits chemicals worsening the quality of indoor air and put our health at risk. Keeping that in mind, most leading paint manufacturing companies are now offering low-VOC or no-VOC paints which are a far safer options than the traditional paints. 

These paints come in as many different shades as the conventional paints, so you have abundant options to choose from. However, the prices of these environmentally friendly paints are somewhat higher than the traditional paints. The good thing is that the air you breathe is refreshing and will not have a negative impact on your health. 

Walk on nature
Eco-friendly flooring blends perfectly with the green theme plus it makes the home all the more captivating. Reclaimed wooden floors have become the most preferred options. Bamboo, palm wood, rubber wood are also a great replacement for traditional wood flooring. As for vinyl flooring, you can find a great replacement in recycled rubber floors and cork floors. Linoleum has also made a comeback as is being widely used as a floor option. It is quite durable and comes in a variety of designs, patterns and colors.  

Carpets are always a hot favorite as they give a sophisticated look to the interiors. And the best eco-friendly carpeting available for interiors includes jute carpets, organic cotton area rugs, wool carpets, jute carpets, sisal carpets. You can also use carpet tiles with recycled content which accentuate the entire appearance of any room. 

Brighten it up 
Saving energy is crucial and what better way to replace the age-old light bulbs with CFLs 
(Compact Florescent Bulbs). Using efficient bulbs like CFLs contributes a lot to saving the planet. Apart from using CFLs, you can also go for certain energy saving techniques like light a specific area of a room rather than illuminating the whole of it. In every room, you can use some small light fixtures instead of a large one. 

With the availability of gorgeous and unique light fixtures in the market, you have abundant options to pick aesthetically pleasing fixtures for each and every room. Another great option is skylights which are placed on the rooftops and transfer solar light into the home. Likewise, solar lights are a great option to grace your home with. They are inexpensive, charge from the sunlight, come in fabulous designs and enhance the beauty of your home.

 Naturally comfortable possessions 
Furniture is the soul of every room and you have heaps of environmentally friendly options when it comes to choosing furniture for your home. Reclaimed iron, recycled barn wood, bamboo, reclaimed wood and several others are used to make amazing, lightweight, easily portable and convenient furniture pieces. Amidst all options, bamboo furniture is the most sought-after one. The bamboo plants re-grow at a rapid speed – they can grow about 15 to 24 inches in a single day. 

Inspired by natural beauty, the eco-friendly furniture is a reflection of trendy aesthetics, incredible craftsmanship and marvelous artisan techniques. This furniture not only graces the interiors but brings out the artistry of the outdoors as well and makes them look exquisitely classy. 

Do`s and Don`ts of Pregnancy

1. Pregnancy is the most vital stage in a woman s life and hence due care should be taken during this time so that you can enjoy a safe pregnancy.

2. You should have food rich in protein, calcium, carbohydrates, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. 

3.   Practice walking everyday as it helps in exercising the leg muscles.

4.   You should go for a regular check-up.

5.  Consult your physician immediately in case of severe nausea, pain in abdomen, sudden gain in weight, or if there is bleeding from the vagina. 

6.    You should not have food high in calories like fried items and sweets.

7.   Avoid alcohol during pregnancy as it may turn out to be fatal for your child. It may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) among your kids and babies born with such syndrome usually have peculiar facial features, grow slowly and may suffer from learning problems. 

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Egg Peel mask

Egg White and Yolk Mask. Perfectly for oily skin. It helps brighten and tighten the skin. The reason why the egg yolks are so good and rich for your skin is because they are loaded with Vitamin A., Protein and nutrients. 

Egg whites can reduce acne scars, shrink pores and is good for oily skin. It can also remove whitehead and black head. And can make skin firmer and fine beside young and moisturize the skin.

So, here is the method for Egg Facial Mask:-

Take an egg into a bowl . Take only the white part , separate from the  yolk.

Whisk  egg in a bowl

With cotton or tissue paper, dip in egg and continue sort the white egg all over your face .

Allow up to 30 minutes or until dry.

After it dried,  peel the mask from the face, wash and pat dry.

As a  result your face looks smooth and fresh.