Although milk is a simple type food, it is very natural to the body as it contains three major substances, cheese, fat and water.
Cheese is cold and wet and provides good nutrition. The fat is mild regarding warmth and wetness and is very beneficial for healthy bodies.
The water part of milk is hot and wet and it softens the stomach and provides the body with beneficial moistures.
Milk is best when it has just been milked and its value decreases by the passage of time. Also milk is better forty days after the animal has given birth.
The best type of milk is the most white in color, as it has a good scent, delicious taste, mildly sweet, less fat and light consistency.
Milk is good and produces red blood, brings wetness to the body and is also a nutritious food, helps relieve depression, obsession and black bile ailments.
When milk is drunk with honey, it helps cleanse the insides of septic materials.
Drinking milk with sugar makes the color of the skin fairer.
Milk helps the body regain its strength after sexual intercourse and is also favorable for the chest, the lungs and for those suffering from tuberculosis.
Milk is not favorable for the head, the stomach, the liver and spleen.
Drinking excessively is harmful to the teeth and the gums. In the Sahihain it is narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) once drank some milk and then asked for some water and rinsed his mouth saying. “It has fat.”
Milk is not good for those suffering from fever and headaches and is not favorable for the weakness in the head and brain.
Excessive drinking of milk causes darkness in the sight, sight impairment, gout, kidney clots and swelling in the stomach and the intestines.
These side effects will be neutralized when mixing milk with honey, ginger and so forth for those who are not used to drinking it.
Excerpt: Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) –Ibn Qayyim Pages 334-336