Friday, 19 October 2012

Nigella seeds Tea / Teh Habbatus sauda

Nigella seeds Tea / Teh Habbatus sauda

Nigella Seeds Tea or Habbatus sauda  very high medicinal values , a cup of Nigella seeds tea daily will be highly beneficial for the body.


Boiling water - 1 cup
Nigella seeds - 1 tbsp
Honey - 1/2 tsp (optional)
A dash of Vanilla extract
Milk or cream (optional)

  1. Crush the nigella seeds using a hammer or a mortar and pestle. Please do not powder it finely. You just want them to release the essential oils.
  2. Take the boiling water in a tea kettle and put the crushed seeds into it. Cover the kettle and let it rest for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Filter out the seeds and discard the contents.
  4. Flavor with milk, cream, honey or vanilla as desired.

Tip :
1. Please do not allow the seeds to steep in the water for a long time, it gives a bitter taste.
2. If you have a teaball, place the crushed seeds in it and the teaball in the cup. After 8 minutes, take out the teaball and serve the tea.

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